
Monday, November 21, 2011

Barbados: Airmail labels 2

Here is another airmail label from Barbados.

Year: 1942, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - BAR-A-3b, rouletted, sheets of 50(5x10),
dark violet-blue or dark blue/white, 4****
Dark violet-blue
Dark blue

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Australia: Airmail labels 2

Here are some old airmail labels from Australia.

Year: 5.1930, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - AUS-A-1a, rouletted, sheets of 20(2x10), white or
cream gum, blue or dark blue/white, 3***

Year:1933, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - AUS-A-2, rouletted, sheets of 20(2x10), lettering
modified ("R"), black-blue or dark ultramarine or dark blue or violet-blue or blue/white, 3***

Year: 1941, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - AUS-A-5c, rouletted, sheets of 30(3x10), 
"BY AIR MAIL": 28mm, "PAR AVION": 22mm, dark blue or dark ultramarine/white, 3***

Year: 1941, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - AUS-A-5f, rouletted, sheets of 30(3x10), 
"BY AIR MAIL": 28mm, "PAR AVION": 22mm, blue or dark blue/light greenish blue, 3***

Papua New Guinea: Airmail labels 2

Here is another nice airmail label from Papua New Guinea.

Year: 1975, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - PNG-A-5, rouletted, sheets of50(5x10), some sheets
come with blurred printing, black-grey or dark violet-blue or dark blue or blue/white, 2**

Cambodia: Airmail lables

Here is first in my collection and the first airmail label issued in Cambodia.

Cambodia, officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia, is a country located in the southern portion of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. With a total landmass of 181,035 square kilometres (69,898 sq mi), it is bordered by Thailand to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. (wikipedia)

Year: 1959, Ungummed. Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - CMB-A-1, perforated 11 ½ , but mine is
perforated 10 ¼ , sheets, black/light blue-grey, 3***

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cyprus: Full sheet of airmail labels

Here is a complete sheet of 36 airmail lables from Cyprus.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive, Günter Mair's catalogue no: - CYP-A-?, rouletted H, sheets of 36(3x12), blue/white

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bulgaria: Airmail labels 2

More Bulgarian airmail labels.

Year: 1941, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - BUL-A-5, perforated 10, sheets, frame size:
36x16mm, blue/white, 4****

Year: before 1977, Gummed, Günter Mair's catalogue no: - BUL-A-9e, perforated 12 ½ , sheets, light
blue or light greenish blue or light grey-blue/white, 1*

Year: 1993, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - BUL-A-10, perforated 13, sheets, blue or light
blue/white, 1*

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ethiopia: Airmail labels 2

More airmail labels from Ethiopia.

Year: 6.1931, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ETH-A-4, perforated 11 ½ , sheets of 10(2x5
pairs of ETH-A-4 and ETH-A-5), black/grey-blue, 4****

Year: 6.1931, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ETH-A-5, perforated 11 ½ , sheets of 10(2x5
pairs of ETH-A-4 and ETH-A-5), black/grey-blue, 4****

Year: approx.1970, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ETH-A-10a, rouletted (wide steps), sheets of 50(5x10), thin paper, black-blue or violet-blue or dark blue or blue/white, 3***

Year: approx.1970, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ETH-A-10b, rouletted (wide steps), sheets of 50(5x10), thin paper, violet-blue/light pink, 3***

Ethiopia: Ethiopian airlines airmail labels

Here is a nice airmail label from Ethiopian Airlines.

Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ETH-B-1, imperforated, oval shape,
red/green or light green/yellow or orange-yellow/white, 4****

Year: approx.1965, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ETH-B-2, perforated 11 ½ , sheets, some 
labels come partly rouletted, red/green/yellow/white, 4****

Gabon: Transgabon airmail labels

Here is a rare and interesting airmail label issued by Transgabon airlines (Transports aérien du Gabon).
Mail with this label was carried by Transgabon from remote places without post offices to the capital Libreville and then posted by the company.

Year: 1959, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - GAB-B-1a, perforated 11 ½ , sheets of 4(2x2),
also come on imperforated sheets,note metioned in catalog. As mine label is imperforated. black/grey-green

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sierra Leone: First airmail label

Here is a first airmail label issued in Sierra Leone!

Year: 1932, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - SRL-A-1a, perforated 11, sheets of 6(2x3)
"PAR AVION": 20.5mm, black/blue-grey, 5*****

Netherlands: K.L.M full sheet of airmail labels

Here is a complete sheet of 36 airmail labels from K.L.M. Comes on pads of 25 sheets.

Year: approx.1937, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - NEL-B-10, perforated 13 ¼ , sheets of
36(3x12), frame size: 43x12mm, "B" and "R" modiffied, blue or grey-blue or dark blue/white, issued for customers in Palestine, 4**** 

Friday, November 11, 2011

France: Air France airmail labels 5

Here are some more rare airmail labels from Air France.

Year: 1934, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-B-64, imperforated, size: 90x59mm,
some labels come with parts of watermark: "AUSSEDAT ET Cie ANNECY", intended for use on
newspapers, dark violet-blue/light blue/white, 4****

Year: 1936, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-B-73a, perforated 11½ , booklets with 2 
sheets of 14(2x7), issued for customers in Spain, red/white, 4****

Here is a complete sheet of 4 airmail labels not listed in a catalog yet.

Year: ?, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-B-?, rouletted (wide steps), sheets of 4(1x4),
dark blue/light blue/white, 

Oman: Airmail labels 2

Here are more airmail labels from Oman. A block of 4 and and couple of single labels.

Year: approx.1975, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - OMN-A-2b, rouletted (wide steps), 
sheets, blue/white, 2**

Year: 1989, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - OMN-A-3, rouletted (narrow steps), 
sheets of 50(5x10), light blue/white, 1*

Year: ?, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - OMN-A-4?, rouletted (wide steps), sheets,

Qatar: Airmail labels

Here is my first airmail label from Qatar!!!

Year: 1988, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - QAT-A-2b, rouletted (narrow steps), sheets of
54(6x9), blue/white, 2**

Greece: H.E.E.S airmail labels 2

Here is another airmail label from  H.E.E.S

Year: 21.6.1933, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - GRC-B-2, perforated 11 ½ , sheets of 24(2x12) dark blue/white, "Ω" modified, 5*****

Year: 21.6.1933, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - GRC-B-3, perforated 11 ½ , sheets of 14(2x7) dark blue/white, 5*****

Same as above but imperforated and not listed in a Mair's catalog!

Year: 20.6.1934, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - GRC-B-5, perforated 11 ½ , sheets of 
34(2x17), orange-red/white, 5*****

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Spain: Full sheet of airmail labels

Here is a complete sheet of 30 Spanish airmail labels. 

Year: approx.1970, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - SPA-A-29, rouletted, sheets of 30(3x10),
frame size: 43x17mm, thick frame, dark blue or blue or grey-blue/white, 1*

UK: R.A.S airmail labels

Here is a very rare airmail label intended for first airmail flights by R.A.S (Railway Air Services Ltd.),
20./21.8.1934. Issued by L.Pitman, stamp-dealer at Bristol.

Year: 1934, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - GBR-C-31, imperforated, issued for first 
airmail  London - Liverpool, black/light pink, 6******

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Viet Nam: Full sheet of airmail labels

Here is a nice, complete sheet of 40 airmail labels from Viet Nam!!!

Year: approx.1970, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - VTN-A-5a, rouletted, sheets of 40(5x8)
"May Bay": 28mm; "Par AVion": 28mm, reference: "H-32", black/light grey-blue, 3***

Monday, November 7, 2011

Tunisia: Airmail labels

My first airmail label from Tunisia. Thanks again for Graham!!!

Year: before 1982, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - TUN-A-6, imperforated, sheets of 
60(5x12), violet-blue or light greenish blue/white, 1*

Bahrain: Airmail labels

Here is my first labels from Bahrain. Big thank goes for Graham ヅ

Year: approx.1985, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - BAH-A-1c, rouletted (narrow steps), sheets  of 52(4x13), grey-violet-blue/white, 1*

Cyprus - Turkish Occupation (Northern Cyprus) :Airmail label

Here is an airmail label from Northern Cyprus.

Northern Cyprus or North Cyprus is a self-declared state which officially titles itself the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Its territory comprises the northeastern part of the island of Cyprus. Only Turkey has recognised its independence, while the international community considers it occupied territory of the Republic of Cyprus. (wikipedia)

Year: 28.3.1983, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - CYP-A-2, rouletted, sheets of 50(5x10) or
21(3x7), violet-blue or blue/red/white, 1*

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bophuthatswana: Airmail labels

Here are the nice airmail labels from Bophuthatswana.

Bophuthatswana (meaning gathering of the Tswana people), officially the Republic of Bophuthatswana was a Bantustan – an area set aside for members of a specific ethnicity – and nominal parliamentary democracy in the northwestern region of South Africa. (wikipedia)

Year: approx.1987, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - BOP-A-1, rouletted H, vertical strips of
10, violet-grey-blue/white, 2**

Year: approx.1987, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - BOP-A-2, perforated H 10, vertical strips of 17, light blue/white, 2**

Cook Islands, Rarotonga: Airmail labels

Here is a nice and colorfull airmail label from Rarotonga, the main isle from Cook Islands. Thanks for Graham for supplying it for me!

Rarotonga is the most populous island of the Cook Islands, with a population of 14,153 (census 2006), out of the country's total population of 19,569.

The Cook Islands' Parliament buildings and international airport are on Rarotonga. Because it is the most populous island, Cook Islanders may often be referred to as Rarotongan, but they may come from one of the other 14 islands in the group, such as Aitutaki or Mangaia. Rarotonga is a very popular tourist destination with many resorts, hotels and motels. The chief town, Avarua, on the north coast, is the capital of the Cook Islands. (wikipedia)

Year: ?, Self-adhesive, Günter Mair's catalogue no: - RTG-A-2?, imperforated, bright red/bright 
dark violet-blue/white, 3***

Friday, November 4, 2011

Australia: Australian Air Navigation Co. airmail labels

Here is another airline issue label from Australian Air Navigation Co.

Year: 1931, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - AUS-B-31, rouletted H, vertical strips, 
black/white, 5*****

Australia: N.E.A.L airmail label

This is an airline issue label from N.E.A.L (New England Airways Ltd.), Australia.

Year: approx.1934, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - AUS-B-32, perforated 11, sheets, dark red/dark violet-blue/white, 5*****

Lebanon: C.G.D.T airmail labels

Here is an airline issue label from Lebanon, issued by C.G.D.T. (Compagnie Générale de Transports).

Year: 1947, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LBN-B-3, perforated 10 ¾ , booklets with 2 vertical strips of 5, grey-blue/white, 4****