Here is a complete sheet of 110 airmail labels from Turkey. These look to be new labels.
Yer: ?, Self-adhesive. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - TUR-A-?, imperforated, sheets of 110(5x22),
This blog aim to promote and grow postal label collecting. Please help to send airmail labels or priority mail labels from your country.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
France: Airmail labels 5
Here are some more old and newer labels from France.
Year: approx.1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-C-12, imperforated, red/white,
Year: approx.1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-C-16, imperforated, embossing,
lettering modified, carmine/white, 4****
Year: approx.1938, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-C-19, imperforated, embossing,
red/white, 4****
Year: 1987, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-A-26, rouletted H, V strips, intended for use on parcels, black/white, 1*
Year: approx.1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-C-12, imperforated, red/white,
Year: approx.1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-C-16, imperforated, embossing,
lettering modified, carmine/white, 4****
Year: approx.1938, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-C-19, imperforated, embossing,
red/white, 4****
Year: 1987, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-A-26, rouletted H, V strips, intended for use on parcels, black/white, 1*
Friday, March 30, 2012
Morocco: Airmail labels 2
Here are some more old airmail labels from Morocco.
Year: 1930, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-4, imperforated, embossing, lettering
modified, re/white, 4****
Year: approx.1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-9, imperforated, embossing,
carmine or red/white, 4****
Year: before 3.1937, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-14, rouletted (red points),
sheets, orange-red or red/white, 3***
Year: ?, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-?, rouletted (red points), sheets,
embossing,, orange-red/white, 3***
Year: 1930, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-4, imperforated, embossing, lettering
modified, re/white, 4****
Year: approx.1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-9, imperforated, embossing,
carmine or red/white, 4****
Red |
Carmine |
Year: before 3.1937, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-14, rouletted (red points),
sheets, orange-red or red/white, 3***
Year: ?, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-?, rouletted (red points), sheets,
embossing,, orange-red/white, 3***
France: Full sheet of airmail labels
Here is a complete sheet of 35 airmail labels from France.
Year:4.1962, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-A-19, rouletted, sheets of 35(5x7), ref.: "S.N.C.F. - Mod 11.581" (French Railways), ref. in bottom right corner of the sheet:
"Lechaplais, w 2.3.0788. 4-62. 0.014.6400", blue/white, 2**
Year:4.1962, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-A-19, rouletted, sheets of 35(5x7), ref.: "S.N.C.F. - Mod 11.581" (French Railways), ref. in bottom right corner of the sheet:
"Lechaplais, w 2.3.0788. 4-62. 0.014.6400", blue/white, 2**
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Rwanda: Airmail labels
Here is my first airmail label fro Rwanda.
Year: approx.1970, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - RWD-A-1b, perforated 10 ½ , sheets,
light blue/white, 2**
Year: approx.1970, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - RWD-A-1b, perforated 10 ½ , sheets,
light blue/white, 2**
Friday, March 23, 2012
San Marino: Airmail labels 3
Here are some non postal issue airmail labels from San Marino.
Year: approx.1965, self-adhesive. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - SMO-C-3, imperforated, bright red
or orange/white, 2**
Year: Year: approx.1970, self-adhesive. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - SMO-C-5, imperforated, dark blue/blue/red/white, 2**
Year: approx.1965, self-adhesive. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - SMO-C-3, imperforated, bright red
or orange/white, 2**
Year: Year: approx.1970, self-adhesive. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - SMO-C-5, imperforated, dark blue/blue/red/white, 2**
Hungary: Airmail labels
Here is the lot of old Hungarian airmail labels.
Year: 1927, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-2, perforated 10 ½ , sheets of 60(6x10),
big "G", "LEGI POSTA" with gap, ref.:"ány....", further date: 1928, blue or
ultramarine or grey-blue/white, 3***
Year: 1930, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-3, perforated 10 or 10 ½ or 11,
sheets of 60(6x10), small "G", "LEGI POSTA" with gap, "PAR AVION" modified, further dates:
1931, 1933, ultramarine or grey-blue/white, 3***
Year: 1934, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-4b, perforated 11, sheets of 60(6x10),
"LEGIPOSTA" without gap, "PAR AVION" modified, further date 1936, ultramarine or dark
violet-blue/white, 3***
Year: 1945, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-6a, perforated , sheets of 10 ½ , sheets
of 54(6x9), lettering modified, ref.: " „Légiposta‟ jelzӧ.‟, black-blue or dark violet-blue
or dark blue/white, 2**
Year: 1947, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-6c, perforated , sheets of 10 , sheets of 54(6x9), black-blue or grey-blue/white, 2**
Year: 1927, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-2, perforated 10 ½ , sheets of 60(6x10),
big "G", "LEGI POSTA" with gap, ref.:"ány....", further date: 1928, blue or
ultramarine or grey-blue/white, 3***
Ultramarine |
Year: 1930, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-3, perforated 10 or 10 ½ or 11,
sheets of 60(6x10), small "G", "LEGI POSTA" with gap, "PAR AVION" modified, further dates:
1931, 1933, ultramarine or grey-blue/white, 3***
Perforated 10 ½ |
Perforated 10 |
Year: 1934, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-4b, perforated 11, sheets of 60(6x10),
"LEGIPOSTA" without gap, "PAR AVION" modified, further date 1936, ultramarine or dark
violet-blue/white, 3***
Error-misperforated, dark violet-blue |
Year: 1945, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-6a, perforated , sheets of 10 ½ , sheets
of 54(6x9), lettering modified, ref.: " „Légiposta‟ jelzӧ.‟, black-blue or dark violet-blue
or dark blue/white, 2**
Dark violet-blue |
Year: 1947, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - HUN-A-6c, perforated , sheets of 10 , sheets of 54(6x9), black-blue or grey-blue/white, 2**
Black-blue? |
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Sri Lanka (Ceylon): Airmail labels 5
Here is a newer airmail label from Sri Lanka.
Year: ?, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - SLK-A-?, rouletted H, vertival strips, blue/white
Year: ?, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - SLK-A-?, rouletted H, vertival strips, blue/white
Mozambique: Airmail labels 3
Here are couple more labels from Mozambique arrived to my collection.
Year: 1936, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MOZ-A-8, perforated 11, sheets of 20(2x10),
ref.: "M/13", postage-due label for airmail, black/greenish blue, 5*****
Year: 1936, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MOZ-A-12a, perforated 11 ½ , sheets of 56(4x14), ref.: "M.° 13", frame size: 35.5x11mm, dark blue or blue/white, 2**
Year: 1936, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MOZ-A-8, perforated 11, sheets of 20(2x10),
ref.: "M/13", postage-due label for airmail, black/greenish blue, 5*****
Year: 1936, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MOZ-A-12a, perforated 11 ½ , sheets of 56(4x14), ref.: "M.° 13", frame size: 35.5x11mm, dark blue or blue/white, 2**
Blue/white |
Malaysia: Overseas-Chinese Banking Corpn airmail label
Here is nice airmail labels from Malaysia issued by Overseas-Chinese Banking Corpn. Ltd.
Year: approx.1965, Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MAL-C-1, rouletted, dark blue/carmine-red/
brown-yellow/white, 4****
Year: approx.1965, Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MAL-C-1, rouletted, dark blue/carmine-red/
brown-yellow/white, 4****
Italy: A.E.I airmail labels 2
Here is the first label from A.E.I. ( Aero Expresso Italiane ).
Year: 1930, Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ITA-B-1, perforated 10 ¾ not 11(as in catalog), sheets of
40(5x8), also distributed by C.I.D.N.A in booklets with 1 sheet of 40(5x8), issued for customers in Turkey, red/white, 5*****
Year: 1930, Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ITA-B-1, perforated 10 ¾ not 11(as in catalog), sheets of
40(5x8), also distributed by C.I.D.N.A in booklets with 1 sheet of 40(5x8), issued for customers in Turkey, red/white, 5*****
Thursday, March 15, 2012
US: Hotel issue airmail labels
Here are the airmail labels issued in USA from various hotels.
Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-154, imperforated, blocks, issued
by Hilton and Statler Hotels, dark violet-blue or dar-blue or blue/orange-red/white, 2**
Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-156, imperforated, blocks, issued
by Hotels Statler, grey-blue or light grey-blue/orange-red/white, 3***
Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-162, imperforated, blocks, issued
by Hotels Statler, violet-blue or dark blue/red or grey-red or bright red/white, 2**
Year: approx.1950, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-179, imperforated, issued by
Robert Meyer Hotels, orange-red/dark violet-blue/white, 4****
Year: approx.1950, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-180, rouletted V, horizontal
strips, issued by Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, Montana, dark blue/orange-red/white, 4****
Year: approx.1950, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-186, imperforated, arrow shape
issued by Hotel Commodore, orange-red/dark violet-blue/white, 4****
Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-472, imperforated, blocks, issued
by Hotel Pennsylvania, blue/light grey/orange-red/white, 3***
Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-154, imperforated, blocks, issued
by Hilton and Statler Hotels, dark violet-blue or dar-blue or blue/orange-red/white, 2**
Blue |
Dark violet-blue |
Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-156, imperforated, blocks, issued
by Hotels Statler, grey-blue or light grey-blue/orange-red/white, 3***
Grey-blue |
Light grey-blue |
Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-162, imperforated, blocks, issued
by Hotels Statler, violet-blue or dark blue/red or grey-red or bright red/white, 2**
Grey-red |
bright red |
Year: approx.1950, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-179, imperforated, issued by
Robert Meyer Hotels, orange-red/dark violet-blue/white, 4****
Year: approx.1950, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-180, rouletted V, horizontal
strips, issued by Hotel Muehlebach, Kansas City, Montana, dark blue/orange-red/white, 4****
Year: approx.1950, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-186, imperforated, arrow shape
issued by Hotel Commodore, orange-red/dark violet-blue/white, 4****
Year: approx.1955, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - USA-C-472, imperforated, blocks, issued
by Hotel Pennsylvania, blue/light grey/orange-red/white, 3***
Canada: Jack V. Elliot airmail labels
Here is a very nice,old and rare airmail label issued by Jack V. Elliot.
Jack Elliot, was a pilot in the western Ontario area providing passenger service and flights for thrill seekers in the early 1920's. By 1925, he had his own flying school and by purchasing partially completed aircraft, managed to complete his own aircraft.
Due to the hardships supplying men and materials in the northern Ontario mining regions during the mid 1920's, Elliot started an air service with 2 small aircraft fitted with skis.
The post office also took advantage of the service by allowing mail to be delivered at the cost of 25 cents for each letter carried.
The service lasted from March 6th to March 25th 1926, when the spring thaw made landings too dangerous.
A private label or "essay" in blue was designed but was rejected by postal authorities in Ottawa. Stamp CL6 replaced the essay stamp.
CL 6 issued issued March 6 1926. The design consisted of the company name and a series of zig-zag lines.
CL 7 issued issued March 25 1926. Essentially the same design except the background was changed to swastikas. (
Jack Elliot, was a pilot in the western Ontario area providing passenger service and flights for thrill seekers in the early 1920's. By 1925, he had his own flying school and by purchasing partially completed aircraft, managed to complete his own aircraft.
Due to the hardships supplying men and materials in the northern Ontario mining regions during the mid 1920's, Elliot started an air service with 2 small aircraft fitted with skis.
The post office also took advantage of the service by allowing mail to be delivered at the cost of 25 cents for each letter carried.
The service lasted from March 6th to March 25th 1926, when the spring thaw made landings too dangerous.
A private label or "essay" in blue was designed but was rejected by postal authorities in Ottawa. Stamp CL6 replaced the essay stamp.
CL 6 issued issued March 6 1926. The design consisted of the company name and a series of zig-zag lines.
CL 7 issued issued March 25 1926. Essentially the same design except the background was changed to swastikas. (
Year: 25.3.1926, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - CAN-C-?, perforated 11 ¾ (imperforated labels exists), sheets of 8(4x2) or 16(4x4) with 4 pairs tête-bêche, dark red/yellow/cream
CL7 - swastikas background |
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Luxembourg: Airmail labels 2
Here are some old and new labels from Luxembourg.
Year: 1937, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-6, imperforated, vertical strips of 4,
black/blue, 4****
Year: 1939, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-7, imperforated or rouletted, vertical strips of 4, black/blue, 4****
Year: approx.1960, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-12, perforated 10 ¾ , sheets,
black/light blue, 2**
Year: approx.1965, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-13, perforated 10 ½ , sheets,
black/light blue, 2**
Year: before 1982, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-15, rouletted, sheets of 50(5x10)
black/light blue, 1*
Year: 1937, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-6, imperforated, vertical strips of 4,
black/blue, 4****
Year: 1939, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-7, imperforated or rouletted, vertical strips of 4, black/blue, 4****
Year: approx.1960, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-12, perforated 10 ¾ , sheets,
black/light blue, 2**
Year: approx.1965, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-13, perforated 10 ½ , sheets,
black/light blue, 2**
Year: before 1982, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - LUX-A-15, rouletted, sheets of 50(5x10)
black/light blue, 1*
French Guinea: Airmail labels
Here is a nice and rare airmail label from French Guinea!!!
Guinea, officially the Republic of Guinea, is a country in West Africa. Formerly known as French Guinea, it is today sometimes called Guinea-Conakry to distinguish it from its neighbour Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.(wikipedia)
Year: 1937, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FGE-A-2b, imperforated, sheets of 16(2x8)
with 8 pairs tête-bêche, violet/salmon, 4****
Guinea, officially the Republic of Guinea, is a country in West Africa. Formerly known as French Guinea, it is today sometimes called Guinea-Conakry to distinguish it from its neighbour Guinea-Bissau and the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.(wikipedia)
Year: 1937, Ungummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FGE-A-2b, imperforated, sheets of 16(2x8)
with 8 pairs tête-bêche, violet/salmon, 4****
Egypt: Airmail labels 4
More airmail labels from Egypt.
Year: 7.1934. Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - EGY-C-4, perforated VL 11, booklets with
100 labels, dark blue/white, 4****
Year: 7.1934. Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - EGY-C-4, perforated VL 11, booklets with
100 labels, dark blue/white, 4****
France: Air Union airmail labels 3
Here is another nice airmail label from Air Union.
Year: 1931, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-B-37, rouletted (black line), booklets with
2 sheets of 16(2x8), black/pink, 4****
Year: 1931, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - FRA-B-37, rouletted (black line), booklets with
2 sheets of 16(2x8), black/pink, 4****
Zaire: AIrmail labels
Here is the only one label issued in Zaire.
Year: approx.1972, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ZAI-A-1, rouletted, sheets of 50(5x10)
dark violet-blue or violet-blue/white, 2**
Year: approx.1972, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - ZAI-A-1, rouletted, sheets of 50(5x10)
dark violet-blue or violet-blue/white, 2**
dark violet-blue |
![]() |
violet-blue |
Monday, March 5, 2012
Tunisia: Airmail labels 2
Here are some airmail labels from Tunisia.
Year: approx.1968, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - TUN-A-4b, imperforated, sheets, blue or
light blue or light greenish blue/white, 1*

Year: approx.1968, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - TUN-A-4b, imperforated, sheets, blue or
light blue or light greenish blue/white, 1*
Morocco: Shell Co. airmail labels
Here is a very nice and colourful airmail label from Morocco issued by Shell Company.
Year: 1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-16, perforated 11 ½, sheets of 10(2x5), issued by Shell Co., black/red/yellow/white, 4****
Year: 1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-16, perforated 11 ½, sheets of 10(2x5), issued by Shell Co., black/red/yellow/white, 4****
Year: 1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-16, perforated 11 ½, sheets of 10(2x5), issued by Shell Co., black/red/yellow/white, 4****
Year: 1935, Gummed. Günter Mair's catalogue no: - MRC-C-16, perforated 11 ½, sheets of 10(2x5), issued by Shell Co., black/red/yellow/white, 4****
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